Home Bleaching Instructions

Rinse with water prior to placing your bleaching trays. Remove the clear plastic cap from the syringe. Please a very small amount of gel in each tooth compartment in the trays.

Place the tray with gel on the teeth. If bleaching material oozes out of the top of the trays then you place too much bleach and need to use less next time. Use your finger, q-tip, tooth brush, or paper tissue to remove excess bleach from gum tissue.

After whitening, remove and rinse the trays with cold water or brush them with toothpaste. Store your trays in a cool dry place until your next use. Keep trays away from animals and hot compartments while traveling.
For best bleaching results do not drink dark liquids such as: grape juice, soda pop, tea, coffee, for a least 2-3hrs after bleaching. Smoking or chewing tobacco also stain teeth. Bleach times vary for each individual and sensitivity. Start out with 30min first time, then work up next day to an hour if no sensitivity. Some patients prefer to wear trays overnight. Your bleaching is tailored to your needs and you can adjust times to what is most comfortable for you.

Use a fluoride rinse to help reduce sensitivity in-between bleaching.
If you have any questions, or you develop more than mild tooth sensitivity please contact our office.