Crowns – Care at Home

After today’s appointment, your tooth has a temporary crown cemented in place. It’s very important that your temporary crown stay in place for the next 2-3 weeks!

If your temporary comes off, it’s important that you call our office right away. We’ll get you in the same day to re-cement it. If a temporary is left off for a long period of time, your permanent crown may not fit! If you are out of the area at the time of incident, please use your temporary cement packet provided by our office.

Please avoid sticky foods such as gum and candy. These could pull your temporary off.

When flossing, pull the floss out from the side rather than popping the floss back out through the chewing surface.

If your tooth becomes sensitive to cold or sore to chewing, it’s possible that your bite needs to be adjusted. Please call us as soon as possible.

If your muscles are sore from staying open during the procedure, the best thing to do is apply warm moist heat on both sides of your face. (Wet washcloths heated in the microwave work well.)

You should only experience slight discomfort in the area of your crown. Advil© (Ibuprofen) or aspirin is preferred over Tylenol© for pain relief.
For tissue discomfort, rinse with warm salt water (1/4 tsp in 8 oz. Water) 2-3 times a day.

If you have any questions, or experience increased pain, please call our office!